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Autumns 5 Most Important Commercial Landscape Maintenance TasksAutumn is a truly wondrous time of year. The trees shed their leaves in a colourful and nostalgic display, we begin to witness the sun setting sooner against a pale sky, and as the temperature dips, many of us seek solstice indoors. However, with workers spending less time outside, this means that grounds maintenance tasks are often neglected - not just because it is cold, but because there are health and safety considerations, too.

Why Do Your Grounds & Outside Space Matter? Click here to find out!

Trips, slips and other hazards are all increased during cold and frosty weather, during a crucial juncture in the grounds maintenance calendar for most businesses. In this article, we’re going to focus on the five most important commercial grounds maintenance tasks during Autumn:

Plant those perennials!

Autumn is the perfect time to incorporate low-maintenance ornamental perennials into your commercial landscape. Perennials add colour and texture, which is perfect for creating a little more vibrancy - especially as the nights begin to get shorter.

Revive flagging lawns

Fluctuating temperatures, inclement weather and foot traffic can all combine at this time of year to give your lawns a real battering. October is a great time to get the provider of your grounds maintenance services to fertilise your lawns, aerate grassy areas and give a much-needed boost to worn-out turf. Now is also the perfect time for laying replacement turf in any lawn areas which are beyond repair. You might also want to think about changing the type of turf you use - how about switching to something which requires less water or maintenance throughout the year?

Get ready for winter

All grounds maintenance companies understand that the harsh British winter can wreak havoc on shrubs, trees and plants. Ice can collect on plants and branches, weighing them down and causing them to snap or break. To avoid this, you should hire a commercial grounds maintenance team to prune and wrap sensitive shrubs, thereby protecting them from the elements.

Autumnal tree care

Right about now is the perfect time to give your trees some TLC. You can do this by removing dead wood - this will help prepare trees for the following spring. Autumn is also a good time to transplant any shrubs or trees that you feel could benefit from being placed in a more prominent location.

Rake up leaves!

While fallen leaves are an incredibly pretty sight, they won’t do your lawn any favours. Dead leaves can smother grass and cause the spread of fungi and mould which can damage your lawn. Prevent this by requesting your commercial grounds maintenance team rake up leaves, which can then be added to your compost bin.

At Weedfree Landscapes, we’ve got over 25 years of experience in tending to commercial exterior areas. If you’d like more information on how our professional grounds maintenance services could transform your landscape this autumn, please do not hesitate to contact us. A member of our Nottinghamshire-based team will be more than happy to assist.

Make An Impression Guide - Long Image source: Unsplash

Tim Bower
Post by Tim Bower
September 3, 2020
Tim Bower is the Director of Weedfree and is an expert in grounds maintenance and keeping your business looking great all year round.
