If you are a business based in Derby, there are plenty of reasons to ensure that your grounds are properly maintained. Grounds maintenance is important in creating a positive first impression for your customers, and one way of keeping your standards up is by using the Council's guidelines as a reference point.
Before signing commercial grounds maintenance contracts, consider the essentials of grounds maintenance for your site. In this article, we take a look at some key council standards for grounds maintenance. Can the outdoor areas of your premises match these best practices?
Get Cutting
Do you own or manage an industrial estate or warehouse? The council guidelines have set out a bare minimum for this kind of site, and it is vital that you bring your premises into line. You should ensure that the open spaces and grassed verges throughout your site are attended to regularly. To borrow phrasing from the council, this means that they are "kept neat and aesthetically pleasing". In terms of numbers, what does this mean? It is recommended that you arrange at least 11 cuts per year in order to bring these elements of your outdoor area under control.
Hunt Down Those Hedges!
Hedge features can often play an important part in creating boundaries throughout your site. They might be located in car parks, or adjacent to your buildings. Wherever they are placed, it is important that they are trimmed regularly, both to keep them in shape, and to avoid them infringing on car parking spaces or walkways for pedestrians. The council guidelines suggest that hedges are attended to once a year, but in reality, this might not help you achieve all your maintenance objectives. So, three times a year can be more suitable.
Critical Cultivation
As with hedges, shrub borders can be used to define boundaries throughout a commercial site or create screening, as well as adding character and colour. It is important that they are kept in order, and that can require weed treatment up to three times a year. Pruning is an annual or periodical task, while winter cultivation is another process which can be critical to beautiful looking flower beds come spring.
Have some more questions about grounds maintenance essentials? Or perhaps you'd like to discuss your specific requirements with commercial grounds maintenance experts? Speak to Weedfree Landscapes Ltd for grounds maintenance Derby can rely on.
Grounds Maintenance
Post by
Tim Bower
March 29, 2019
March 29, 2019
Tim Bower is the Director of Weedfree and is an expert in grounds maintenance and keeping your business looking great all year round.