Weedfree Blog

The Dangers Of Ignoring Winter Gritting Needs

Written by Tim Bower | Nov 27, 2019 11:00:00 AM

When the temperature plummets, there’s a high risk of snow, ice and frost forming. Whilst a snow-covered field or frosty landscape can look picturesque, poor weather conditions can make traveling increasingly dangerous and difficult. As a business owner, you’re responsible for maintaining your premises during winter. As well as providing employees with a safe working environment, you also have a duty towards customers, clients and members of the public.

To ensure you’re meeting your legal obligations, it’s important to assess upcoming weather conditions and take preventative action where possible. By contacting UK-based grit bin suppliers, you can ensure that you have a sufficient supply of grit on-site, ready to use as and when it’s needed.

Keep your grounds safe this winter

We all have a moral duty to protect our environment and limit the risk it poses to other people. As a business owner, the last thing you’ll want to happen on your premises is a serious accident or a dangerous incident.

Of course, business owners need to assess the practical, financial and legal implications of these events too. If someone was to sustain an injury whilst at your premises or on your grounds, they may want to take legal action against you.

If you’ve ignored poor weather conditions and failed to grit pathways or clear snow, for example, you could be held liable for subsequent slipping accidents or falls. Whilst you may have public liability insurance in place to cover these costs, your policy terms may require you to take action to prevent accidents caused by bad weather. If you haven’t placed winter grit on the ground or arranged delivery from UK-based grit bin suppliers, you may find that your insurers are reluctant to cover the cost of the claim.

Similarly, if a car were to crash in your car park because of icy road surfaces or a van was to slide off the carriageway when entering your property, you could be held responsible for the subsequent injuries and damage.

Furthermore, companies can face lengthy investigations when accidents occur on their grounds. As well as internal investigations, you may be subject to enquiries from official bodies, such as the Health and Safety Executive.

By taking effective action, however, you can reduce the risk of accidents and protect your own liability. When you arrange snow clearing services or delivery from UK-based grit bin suppliers you’re relying on professionals to provide the tools and services you need to keep your grounds safe.

To find out more about the importance of winter gritting, contact Weedfree Landscapes now on 01623 653568.

Image Source: Pixabay